Were you on a chemotherapy regimen with the cancer drug Taxotere? Did you develop symptoms of Canalicular Stenosis? If so, contact the Taxotere attorneys of Hotze Runkle PLLC to learn about your legal options and whether you’re entitled to compensation from the pharmaceutical company.
Canalicular Stenosis is a permanent condition that can reduce your quality of life and impact your daily routine. It causes a range of symptoms varying from mild to severe. Some can be debilitating and limit your ability to work, drive, or care for your family.
You’re already facing significant stress dealing with cancer treatment and now have the burden of treating the side effects of Taxotere you didn’t know existed. You have a right to hold the drug company liable for their negligent actions, and Hotze Runkle PLLC can help.
Taxotere’s Adverse Reaction Leads to Canalicular Stenosis
Once Canalicular Stenosis develops, there’s nothing you can do to reverse its effects. Inflammation of the canaliculus, a vital structure responsible for funneling tears from the tear duct to the nasal cavity, creates obstructions.
Those obstructions block tears, resulting in a build-up on the surface of the eye. When the person blinks, the tears get released. Adequate medical care could treat this symptom; however, leaving it alone could lead to a severe medical issue.
Canalicular Stenosis results in watery eyes. The excessive and uncontrollable eye-watering that typically develops first from the inflammation is called Epiphora. Additional symptoms start when chronic eye infections form, further worsening the obstructions of the canaliculus.
Medical studies determined that the secretions from Taxotere have an adverse reaction with a person’s tears during chemotherapy treatment. While the drug travels through the body, it comes in direct contact with tears, causing infections of the canaliculus. Constant interactions between Taxotere and tears eventually result in blockages in the canaliculus, preventing the tears from passing through.
When Canaliculuar Stenosis worsens and becomes a more serious problem, multiple symptoms besides excessive eye-watering could occur, such as:
- Light sensitivity
- Central vision loss
- Dry eyes
- Clouded vision
- Blurry vision
- Eyelid swelling
- Additional eye infections
As the ocular condition progresses, the canaliculus could begin closing due to severe obstructions. Whether partial or total, closure means you might have to live with this problem for the rest of your life. There isn’t a cure for Canalicular Stenosis, but treatment options could alleviate your symptoms.
Treating Symptoms of Canalicular Stenosis
You have two possible options to choose from if you’re interested in treating your symptoms. Unfortunately, they don’t reverse the effects of the condition, but you might find some relief from Taxotere’s side effects. A doctor could perform a dacryocystorhinostomy to create a passageway for your tears so they don’t end up behind the blocked canaliculus.
Many patients don’t qualify for dacryocystorhinostomy due to the severity of their condition. If Canalicular Stenosis progresses to the point where the damage to one or both canaliculi prevents the doctor from forming a new structure for the tears, conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy might be an option.
In a conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy, the surgeon inserts a small glass tube called a Jones tube to facilitate the flow of tears. Instead of traveling towards the obstructed canaliculus, the tube redirects tears around it, flowing into the nasal cavity.
Each surgical procedure is invasive and expensive. They also pose various risks that could lead to additional medical problems. Common side effects include:
- Chronic eye infections
- Tissue and nerve damage
- Blindness
- Permanent facial scarring
- Sinusitis
- Uncontrollable bleeding
- Abnormally fused tissue
- Migrating or displaced Jones tube
You should notify your oncologist the second you develop unusual symptoms during chemo with Taxotere. If you ignore the adverse reaction you’re experiencing, you put your health at risk. Untreated Canalicular Stenosis is something that could reduce your quality of life and interfere with your daily routine.
Treating Cancer and Canalicular Stenosis Simultaneously
It doesn’t matter what kind of chemo regimen you’re following – you can continue with it while treating your Canalicular Stenosis symptoms. However, it would be best if you discussed your diagnosis with your oncologist so they can administer a drug other than Taxotere and take the steps they need to take to prevent your symptoms from worsening.
Your doctor might be able to place a temporary stent over the obstructed canaliculus to keep your tears flowing in the right direction. That way, you don’t have to deal with epiphora while you’re undergoing chemotherapy. Once you complete your cancer treatment, the doctor will remove the stent around six to eight weeks later.
Proving the Taxotere Manufacturer Is Liable
Sanofi-Aventis is the drug company responsible for creating the chemotherapy drug Taxotere. It treats various cancers by attacking cancer cells and shrinking them, so they don’t spread to other parts of the body. The schedule you’re on will depend on your cancer type and stage, but typically regimens are once a week, every other week, or once every three weeks.
Patients and doctors weren’t aware of the possible risks associated with using Taxotere during chemo treatment. Many people began noticing unusual symptoms never discussed before starting the regimen. That’s because Sanofi didn’t disclose the adverse reaction their drug could cause. They provided warning labels without mentioning the risk of Canalicular Stenosis for many years.
The pharmaceutical company was negligent because they failed to inform users that their drug could cause a permanent medical condition and debilitating symptoms. You have a right to hold them liable for the losses you suffered, such as:
Lost wages and lost future earnings
- Emotional distress
- Out-of-pocket expenses
- Disfigurement or physical impairment
- Medical costs
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of enjoyment of life
Hotze Runkle PLLC will review the losses you suffered and determine the full and fair compensation necessary to cover everything. The insurance company might play hardball and offer a low settlement amount to avoid a large payment, but we will aggressively pursue the maximum monetary award available. You should not walk away from your case without the money you need to pay your expenses.
Contact Us
The Taxotere Canalicular Stenosis attorneys of Hotze Runkle PLLC are ready to be your advocates during this traumatic experience. We will fight by your side until we reach a favorable outcome in your case. You will not be alone as we seek to hold the drug company liable for its actions.
Find out if you’re eligible to file a lawsuit to get compensation for your losses by taking our Taxotere quiz today.